Friday 31 August 2018

Watertown House, Silent Valley Reservoir, Co. Antrim

 I took these photos a few weeks ago of a little Watertown House which has been reassembled in the grounds of the Silent Valley Reservoir. This house was originally built in 1923 and was inhabited until 2006. 


  1. Hi, i am giving a talk on 23rd June about the early civil engineer Dorothy Buchanan whose first professional employment was on the Silent Valley reservoir scheme. She apparently lived with the site nurse in the hospital at Watertown. As I havent been able to find any pictures of the hospital, I am assuming it was built in the same general style as the Watertown housing and would like permission to use your photo of such a house, at the top of the blog, in my talk. I will of course acknowledge your image as the source.
    Nina Baker

    1. Hi Nina, Yes, that's fine with me. Thanks for asking. I hope your talk goes well. Ruth


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