Sunday 22 March 2015

The Glens of Antrim

We took a couple of hours yesterday afternoon to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the Glens of Antrim. We seem to do this at every available opportunity but I never get tired of it!
There's something captivating about the rolling hillside, stone walls and old run down cottages that draws me back time after time, even on a dull day.

 Drumnagreagh Road

                                                               Drumnagreagh Road

                                                                       Glenaan Road

                                                               Altarichard Road

After we'd been fed and watered we went on to the famous Dark Hedges but it was so dark by then that I couldn't take was really beautiful but creepy.Some day soon I think we should go there first and take some photos in daylight :)

1 comment:

  1. Super pics Ruth, the Glens are certainly picturesque, and your little lambs definitely herald spring. The sun is shining here in the west, always a bonus, especially as the forecast for this week was awful.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it's lovely to hear from you. Ruth