Monday, 20 January 2014

Time out - Killyleagh

Some days you just need to pack up and get out - today was one of those days....
As we've been busy and not had much free time we decided to stop everything today and head off for a breath of fresh air. I'll be spending the evening with the ladies of the Downpatchwork and Craft Group in Killyleagh in two weeks time so took the opportunity to find the Bridge Centre while we were at it.
It's ages since I was in Killyleagh and it's just as beautiful as ever.
It was a bright sunny day so I took plenty of photos.

 Something didn't look right with the water level!

 This is a man after my own heart - read the inscription below!!

 I was a bit overzealous taking these photos from the flooded banks - this is David going back for my shoes after I limped back to the car leaving them stuck in the mud!! What would I do without him?

Well, it was a lovely day and now the batteries are recharged and I'm ready to roll again :)


  1. Gorgeous pictures Ruth. Love Alison xx

  2. WOW!I love the wonderful picture and I am so pleased you shared them!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it's lovely to hear from you. Ruth