Friday, 31 March 2023

Spring has Sprung in the Kitchen


Spring has sprung in the kitchen today :)
I'm having wheaten bread with cream cheese....primrose (cheddar cheese, carrot, mint leaves), carrots (carrot slices and flat leaf parsley), 3 cornered leek flowers and leaves, tulip (red pepper and 3 cornered leek stem and leaves)
I am growing lots of edible flowers in the garden to use as garnishes later. Roll on summer!

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Tonic Studios - Magical Music Box


I just know that you're going to love this! What could be prettier that a "music box" with a "magnetic ballerina" which appears to dance when you move the handle at the back! You can make elements of this full set and keep them as separate items or you can add them together to have a "cabinet" attached to a drawer unit. You can also make as many drawers as you like and stack them together.

You can see how to make this in my video -

I also have a further video which shows how to make a beautiful aperture card and bookmark with the same die set.
You can see it here -

The finished Music Box with 1 drawer measures 12cm wide x 17cm tall.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Tonic Studios - Book of Shared Memories (Memory Book) #affiliate


This fabulous 54 piece die set has all the dies you need to make 3 different sizes of memory books and also a beautiful box to fit the smallest size of book. You can see how to make the book and the box in my video here

I hope you enjoy watching as I show you through the die set and then how to make a book and a box.
The sizes of the main page dies for each book are (not including the ribbon holes at the side)
Large - 25cm x 20.5cm
Medium - 19.5cm x 16cm
Small 14.5cm x 12cm
Box measurements -
Each "compartment" 12.5cm x 12.5cm x 5cm
and my finished box measured 16.5cm x 12.5cm

You can buy the die set here (Affiliate links)

You will find all of the MARCH MADNESS deals here (affiliate)

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Fantastic Ferris Wheel - Tonic Studios #affiliate

This is the FANTASTIC FERRIS WHEEL from Tonic and the wheel turns around with all the little carriages hanging from the bars. It looks fabulous when assembled and can be used as a centrepiece or filled with treats for a special gift/occasion.

These are my affiliate links to the Fantastic Ferris wheel
USA - 

and these are my affiliate links to all the MARCH MADNESS deals at Tonic

UK –


In this Step by Step tutorial I'll show you how to make the wheel shown below, including the carriages but you can also see how to make the other wheel in my video here -

You can also see how I used this same die set to make a gift box here - 

To Make the Fantastic Ferris Wheel you will need the following Tonic Studios products

Fantastic Ferris Wheel die set
Craft Perfect Classic Card, Sugared Lilac, Ocean Blue
Craft Perfect Mirror Card, Venetian Gold
Craft Perfect Glitter Card, Turquoise Lake, Berry Fizz
300 gsm white card
Nuvo Deluxe Adhesive
NB. If you are a newer crafter you may find it easier to substitute the gold mirror card with plain card to make this wheel as the glue will dry more quickly and it will require less "holding"

How to make it 

Please note that you can follow the steps from the instructions if you want to go ahead and cut all your pieces together and have them ready. In this Step by Step tutorial I’ll be cutting them as I use them so that you can follow along and know which pieces you will need to cut in each colour.

1.      Cut 12 lilac pieces and 12 gold pieces with the die shown.


2.      Glue 6 of each colour together to form a circle/ wheel.

3. Repeat so that you have 2 large lilac wheels and 2 large gold wheels.

4. TOP TIP. Because the gold mirror card tends to curl slightly when die cut, hold it in place with double sided tape on the back.

5. Die cut 12 of each of these shapes. (There are two similar dies of each. These are the “thicker” dies)

6. Glue these to the reverse side of the gold wheels as shown, checking from the front that they are aligned correctly.

7. The wheels will look like this from the front.

8. Die cut 6 small bars and 1 large bar from gold mirror card. Burnish the score lines, fold and glue to form tubes, leaving the tabs open at both ends.

9. Insert the small bars through one of the lilac wheels from the “wrong” side up to the glue tabs. Fold and adhere the tabs to the “wrong” side of the wheel. Place and adhere one of the gold wheels to the back of the lilac wheel to hide the exposed glue tabs.

 10. Die cut 12 small circles from glitter card.

11. Use these circles to cover the exposed holes on the front of the gold wheel.  

12. Die cut 12 Ocean Blue carriage pieces and 12 each of the decorative panels in glitter card. 

13. (OPTIONAL) I have used 216 gsm card and therefore decided to reinforce the carriages by cutting extra panels, trimming to fit the sides and gluing in place.

 14. Rotate the carriage pieces as shown and glue the bases together.

15. Fold up the side glue tabs and glue in place to form carriages. Make 6 carriages.

16. Place the carriages onto the small bars.

17. Place the 2nd lilac wheel (right side facing inwards) over the bars then fold and adhere the tabs to the “wrong” side of the wheel. 

18. Place and adhere one of the gold wheels to the back of the lilac wheel to hide the exposed glue tabs.

19. When the gold wheel is in place, cover the holes with the remaining glitter circles.

20. Die cut 2 front/ back stands from Ocean Blue card and 2 decorative panels from glitter card. Glue the panels in place.

OPTIONAL  - I have cut 2 extra panels and removed the glue tabs, then glued these to the reverse of the main panels to reinforce them.

21. Die cut the sides 6 times – 2 in white (300gsm card) and 4 in Ocean Blue.

Remove the glue tabs from the white sides and 2 of the Ocean Blue sides.

22. Die cut the plain panels in lilac card and use both dies together on gold card to create the decorative panels. Glue the decorative panels onto the lilac panels.

23. Die cut 2 bases. One from white (or matching colour) 300gsm card and the other from Ocean Blue card.

24. Glue the 2 decorated sides onto the white base.

25. Glue white sides to the inside of the stand and then glue the remaining Ocean Blue sides on top with the right sides facing inwards. 

26. Glue the front and back in place as shown.

27. Glue the Ocean Blue base into the bottom.

28. Die cut 2 white circles (with holes) and 2 glitter card decorative circles.

29. Finish by threading the large bar through the holes in a white circle , the Stand, your wheel and a second white circle die cut. Fold and glue the large bar glue tabs to the white circle outer faces and glue a glitter card decorative circle onto each end to hide the exposed glue tabs. Finally, glue a handle die cut to one end to complete your Ferris Wheel.

Enjoy :)